Lee Vidor Signature


Volunteer for The Shakespeare-X Foundation

Original Source Of The Shakespeare-X Message.


The Shakespeare-X Foundation is going to need a lot of Volunteers to run smoothly. We're going to have an extremely efficient professional staff who are assisted by a network of volunteers and members. If you have great skills and commitment, we'd like to hear from you.

We're attempting to do something which might change the world a little bit, and hopefully not make it worse, or at least less cultured. So you can be proud to be part of that, even though you are poor and anonymous.


With the exception of computer wizards and Dreamweaver maestros..

We just don't need volunteers yet, what we need is corporate sponsorship first. Because without sponsorship there is not going to be a Shakespeare-X Foundation which is in need of volunteers.

So if you think it's all a worthwhile idea and you'd like to volunteer, then volunteer first to get the email Sponsorship campaign moving. (See below).

I'd love to see a computer wiz automate the entire email campaign through Facebook/Twitter/Myspace etc.

So that Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Yahoo are flooded with messages from creative arts lovers all around the world, urging them to get involved.

That would work!

Sponsor Shakespeare-X Now!

Email Sponsors



What Everyone Can Do Now..


We need your support in attracting corporate sponsorship to the Shakespeare-X Foundation and the astonishing Shakespeare-X Message.

You can provide support by sending a witty pre-written email message to corporate sponsors, reminding them that the Shakespeare-X Message is of world/historical importance and is an unsurpassed sponsorship opportunity in the history of advertising.

And suggesting they get involved in sponsoring Shakespeare-X Foundation. Perhaps even insist. Email Sponsors

Also encourage all writers and artists of every type on the entire web to join this sponsorship email campaign.

Musicians and actors and book lovers too.

Everyone who believes in the creative life, and in the necessity for quality arts to be in our lives.

It's going to be a very mean and dull world without them.

There are very few people on the web who are not here because of the availability of creative work of one type or another.

So tweet the need for Shakespeare-X sponsorship, mention it in blogs and postings and on email signatures. Facebook and Myspace it and get all the world's creatives engaged.

If the arts cannot mature on the web, they will be forced to turn towards amateurism.

If this doesn't concern you then is should. And greatly.

'Sponsor Shakespeare-X Now! Google/Microsoft/Apple/Amazon/Yahoo..'

May be an appropriate, but still friendly, slogan.


Without good content on the web there is no web.

You can only read computer code for so long before it gets dull. The world needs artists and writers and we must have financial return for our work.

Otherwise soon all the art in the world is going to be made by hobbyists who struggle with day jobs too. Amateur work is not professional work, any more than a blog is the New York Times.

The Shakespeare-X Foundation can lead the way towards a better financial model for writers and artists.

This is reason enough for a responsible corporation to sponsor Shakespeare-X, especially one whose interests are served by the healthy maturation of the internet.

And especially especially one whose profits are derived from brokering internet writing and images and music.

This may mean you, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Yahoo etc etc.

(Won't some computer wiz please automate this email lobbying process for me and make it easily available to everyone on the web via Facebook, Myspace Twitter etc..)

Lobbying works and the web is democratic. As is consumer spending.

Read more on the Sponsorship Page.


Beyond the Shakespeare-X Foundation's goal, which is sufficient reason in itself for a productive and viable corporate sponsorship, we will offer corporate sponsors the exclusive global announcement of the Shakespeare-X Message, the jewel of the Information Age.

And certainly the greatest advertising/branding campaign in history.

Lee Vidor is a pretty neat spokesperson too.

There is nothing more valuable in media communications today than the ability to attract attention.

This is the era of creativity.

And we have it here.


Lee Vidor Signature


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